Monday, December 5, 2011

What I realized

My works Cited List never Posted,
So this is where I learned all of my information from!

1. "African Drum History - Djembe." Rebirth African Tribal Art Gallery. 2000. Web. 03 Dec. 2011. <>.
2. Crews, Larry. "Quick Intro: History Of African Drums | Made Manual." 23 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>..
3. "Rhythm in Sub-Saharan Africa." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 28 Nov. 2011. Web. 03 Dec. 2011. <>.
4. Rossitier, Mike. "Drums in African Tradition." 01 Jan. 2001. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.
My videos are all from!
My photos are all from google images!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Culturally Speaking, what is the significance of these drums.

Throughout many, many years, these drums have been used in sacred traditions as well as every day life. They are used to create the beats that we hear today as mimicked in the songs that we sing, or the beats that we create. As well, they can be used to tell when danger is coming someones way. They are also used to show emotion, show how one is feeling. Without these I truly feel that African culture would be different. The way that music and rhythm has impacted the culture into ways of expression through dance and music, has gotten the African Society through some extremely hard times. Without the use of these, I dont think it would have been the same case.

How The Drums are Made

Since there are a variety of drums, throughout the African descent and culture, there is a variety to how they are made as well.

For the most part, back in the day, drums were made out of Mahogany, Lingue, Douke, or Melina wood, with now a days, adding, oak and maple into the equation.
After getting the wood, making into the shape of the drum is the next step. This can be done with a sharp instrument, as it was before, or with machines, and knives as it is mostly done now.
After this, covering the top with either, leather, a piece of animal skin, or a covering, is the final step in making the drum.
Here is an example:

Types of African Drums

There are plentiful types of drums that are used for a variety of reasons. Throughout the African culture, they are used to make music, and from there the possibilities are endless. Rather it be for a celebration, a religious ceremony, or even to symbolize death, drums were not just for mere entertainment, they had a strong connection with the people of the culture

Some of the drums include:
1. The Djembe, which can be noted as one of the oldest drums, was used during the 13th century and from there on, in the Western African area. It was used to create sound for the stories that were being told in the tribes. It was also used for special and event sacred events. This sacred type drum is made out of wood, and covered in goatskin.

2. The talking drum, which is a drum that is worn across your body. This drum, had a difference purpose, which was to not only to provide sound and music, but also at times, was used to send messages across the lands. The talking drum is made out of wood, with a strap, most likely made out of hide in the earlier years, and leather in the more recent.
3. The bata drums are a set of three drums, that come from Nigeria, and come from the time period in which the slaves from Africa, were brought to Cuba. The signature drums, are extremely noticeable because they are not only 9n a triple set, but also have two sides, or heads as they are traditionally called. These drums, are used in religious settings as well as in culture settings. One thing that is interesting about them is you can either use your hands, as in most African drums, or use sticks.
This is an example of how the drums can be used!

History of Drums

In African history, dance, as well as music played and is still playing a major part. Drums, are an instrument that is historically used to create the beats for the music that happens in the culture. Not only is the a wide variety of drums, there is also a wide variety in what kind of sound they want to make.

Different regions and areas use different types of drums, and the sounds they make can be linked to what the person or group is trying to portray. The drums can seem to help illustrate stories that otherwise would not be as rich incontent or emotion as they are with the use of the drums.

Dating back as early as the 13th century, the appearance of drums has made a huge impact on the African culture!